JetSoft was founded to help businesses fully exploit the potential of their NDT resource. This data is often under utilised and therefore the benefits it can deliver are not realised. JetSoft are taking advantage of over 10 years experience in the NDT world, to deliver bespoke, flexible, value added solutions to drive operational efficiencies in the manufacturing environment.
As part of JetSoft's ambition to drive NDT solutions forward, we have been collaborating with NewGen NDT to deliver their latest product, NxtGen. NxtGen is a penetrant process management system which addresses every aspect of the production environment to maximise the full NDT potential. It is a fully integrated system, which monitors the NDT process, notifies the appropriate personnel of any non compliance issues, and produces automated reports to review the process and also fulfil regulatory audit requirements. This delivers a whole range of information which was previously unavailable, such as pass/fail statistics, out of tolerance information and adherence to production SLAs. As the system is fully remote, the information is readily available to all employees, allowing quick reaction times to issues in the production system.
The system will be on display in Munich at the 19th World Conference on NDT. Please come along to view it for yourself, and please do get in touch with any ideas/problems you may have relating to NDT. JetSoft is always looking for exciting and challenging new projects!